Sunday, December 20, 2015

Drawing Cat

Easy step to drawing cat... just take a blank paper, pensils and draw it :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ashish Thakar from Zero to Hero

Ashish J. Thakkar is the 34-year-old Executive Chairman and Founder of Mara Sokoni, a visionary entrepreneur, genocide survivor, and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. In his book The Lion Awakes: Adventures in Africa’s Economic Miracle (Palgrave; August 25, 2015), Ashish gives readers an intimate, on the ground view of Africa’s astonishing and unprecedented economic awakening.
The Lion Awakes strikes purposefully in an effort to educate the reader and shift the Western perception of Africa. In a conversation with the reader, Ashish talks through personal success stories of self-starters in the context of the economic and political climate of their respective markets. We follow the stories of businesses and entrepreneurs who are changing the face of the African economic landscape. We meet a new generation of ambitious, innovative, tech savvy young Africans who are developing everything from bamboo bicycles to iPhone Apps; we meet pioneering minds creating electricity from wind mills made of scrap metal and rubber; we meet artists, film makers and architects thriving with newfound freedom and opportunity; we are introduced to hyper-educated members of the diaspora who have returned to Africa after years, even generations, in Europe and the US to open companies and take up positions in government. Those who left once corrupted and war-plagued lands, have returned to invest in their now thriving homeland. They all tell the same story: 21st Century Africa offers them more opportunity than the First World.
But what does Ashish know about opportunity? A bit to say the least. From starting his first company at the age of 15 to founding the Mara Group, a globally recognized multi-sector group employing over 11,000 people in 25 different African countries through its investments and operations, Ashish has dedicated his life to seizing opportunity. Through his passion for enabling, empowering, and inspiring young entrepreneurs, he founded the Mara Foundation, an organization devoted to fostering and supporting African entrepreneurs through mentorship and venture philanthropy. Ashish has also been appointed as the new Chair of the United Nations Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurship Council (GEC), making him the first African entrepreneur to lead the Council. The GEC brings together leading entrepreneurs to work with the UN in finding innovative solutions to global issues.
One of the many significant innovations to come from Africa includes M-PESA, a mobile banking app that enables anyone the ability to transfer and deposit money through their mobile phones. The platform currently has 18 million regular users, including the president of Kenya. M-PESA sends a daily average of $50.6 million via 1.6 million transactions per day accounting for 30% of all financial transactions in Kenya. School fees, salaries, utility bills, retail purchase and bank transfers can all be accomplished using M-PESA, moving Kenya in the direction of becoming a cashless society.
Advancement has also come in other forms. In an effort to combat the horrific ethnic violence occurring across Kenya following a controversial election in January 2008, a group of entrepreneurs put together an emergency crowd-sourcing utility known as Ushahidi. The platform allowed anyone to instantly report incidents or threats of violence via e-mail, text, Twitter or the internet. These reports appeared on an interactive mapping system, allowing people to see potential danger zones. This encouraged people to avoid these violent hot spots, potentially saving hundreds of lives.
Source :

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Creative Garage Door Decal Design Ideas

If you need some decoration for your garage door, maybe using garage door decal more fun, the decals are available in various design that will look really cool for your garage door. here are some of creative garage door decal ideas for you....

check this web

Creative Umbrella Design Ideas

These are very creative umbrella design ideas... to avoid getting wet this creative umbrella will make you love rain...

 Full body umbrella

 Couple umbrella

Google Umbrella

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Creative Dinner in the Sky Ideas

Through this global program, headquartered in Belgium, diners can feast on fish — or meat — at a table dangling 165 feet above the sky. A permanent Las Vegas fixture is currently under construction, spokeswoman Janeen Hinden told Seafood International, but adrenaline junkies have used Dinner in the Sky to dine high above Japan, England, Brazil, Colombia, India, Belgium and several others.
Groups have even used the sky-high table to dine over pop singer Shakira’s concert in Beirut, Lebanon and over the ICC Champions Trophy, a cricket tournament, in South Africa.
Hinden said the menu “varies all the time; we have an executive chef who changes the menu,” but said it generally always includes at least one seafood entree.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Creative Pensil Ideas

What do you do if you had a small pensil and you can use it to writting? maybe you will trow it to garbage but now i will show you, the pensil can be usefull. here some creative ideas to make it happend.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Creative Sandwich Ideas

Sandwich is the perfect meal to pack, kids love them too, so why we not made them with creative sandwich ideas to make your kids.. love to eat them..
here are some picture to inspire you to made sandwich... enjoy it

Creative Ideas Plastic Bottles

Simple to made, using plastic bottle.. enjoy it

Creative Ideas Shoes Storage

Shoes is very important because shoes is part of your wardrobe. if you look at them this way then give them more care,. here are some of creative ideas shoes storage.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Easy Way to Peel an Egg

While anyone can peel a hard boiled egg, it's a neat trick to whip the shell of in a few seconds. Try it! Source :